News, nature, and community throughout the Emerald Triangle
Residents around the 8000 block of Flynn Creek Road south of Comptche are being to asked to shelter in place by the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Department. According to a Nixle alert sent out about 12:09 a.m., “A male suspect is “in the area armed with a firearm.”
The Sheriff’s Department warned, “Please avoid the area, shelter in place and wait further instructions. Law enforcement is on scene.”
According to Mendocino Action News, about an hour previously deputies had been called to the area for a reported arson. A possibly intoxicated suspect had reportedly lit a trailer on fire and fired shots from an ATV. UPDATE: The MCSO reports, “The issue has been resolved and the shelter in place is lifted.”
UPDATE: MCSO Shelter-in-Place Subject Apprehended
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You know what’s worse than an armed man roaming the area? A society that disarms itself to rely on others for protection. The only solution to an armed man with questionable intent, is a community more than able to bury bad people in deep holes.
With your 3 shot pump 12 gauge. Your .223 hunting rifle or single action revolver.
that kind of talk of independence is a threat, and gets you put on watch lists
You may point to an instance where armed citizens took back government from crooks but there are plenty of examples where crooks took politics away from people using their firepower. And unless ordinary citizens wanted to live in a combat zone, matching weapons were not going to help. Gun control originally was part of the attempt to rein in gangster violence running whole cities as the machine gun had become a preferred tool in gang wars in the 1930s.
History has a lot of instances where criminal gangs used their fire power to control politics, intimidate voters and kill people opposing them. “Unlike the mob’s multipronged campaign to infiltrate Cicero vice, Capone’s Election Day game plan was nothing but brute force and terror. Commanded by Al and his brothers Frank and Ralph, gunmen in automobiles “sped up and down the streets, slugging and kidnapping election workers,” the Tribune reported. “A Cicero policeman was disarmed, beaten and sent to the hospital.”” It was not citizens having matching weapons that lead to that reign of criminal violence to end but a concerted effort to disarm and arrest gangsters.
“Gun” control was occurring since the founding. The machine gun ban has been effective at keeping these weapons out of criminals hands. Period.
You should set up a fantasy role playing game based on that. You and your friends could play!
Then in your little scenario, you’d be tried for murder. What you describe goes way beyond just self defense. What if: every one who wanted a gun had one in that neighborhood EXCEPT that guy? We would have that exact scenario, if only Shooty Mc Burns had been determined ineligible.
Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6. Like the whole Wade Harris debacle, the legal system doesn’t always protect the citizens. Wade should have been locked up for many years, not booked and released to continually terrorize a community and put innocent people in danger. He wound up getting gunned down trying to rob a farm. The legal system not only failed the community in that instance, but it failed Wade as well. He would likely still be alive(but in prison) if the legal system wasn’t broken. Hopefully the person with a gun in Comptche doesn’t hurt anyone and turns himself in.
We are safer with Mr, Harris were he is.
Thank you. Well stated. What is worse? When those who are trusted with protection, have no obligation to protect, but only collect revenue.
Few are calling for complete disarmament. You are fear mongering, plain and simple. Background checks are not “gun” control. Red flag laws are not “gun” control. Limiting magazine capacity and restricting the ownership of modern semi-auto, military-grade rifles is not going to do much to impede the ability of someone to defend their home or property.
Yeppers Taxation, dat’s rite. You get em wit yer gun den da pollice will shoot the first armed person they see when they respond. Yeppers, dat’s rite. 🙄
You must be careful not to mistake grammar and accent with being able to drop a wild hog, deer, etc with a long range scope.
Your mockery is symbolic of those who think they know best for others, while living off the system that might collapse and leave you as a war medic.
The solution being advocated is not that society disarm itself. It is that mentally ill people be prevented access to weapons. If that solution was in place, then someone who creates the kind of fear in the above instance would be prohibited from doing it again. The kid in Buffalo, with a history of threats, would be prohibited from legally buying guns. You, unless you behaved violently or threatened others with violence, would be just fine keeping your guns.
People need to learn how to get to root cause of a problem.
As long as we have a system in place that can create more mental health issues faster than we can address, we are giving the feds and other mercenary actors, free range to destabilize our society.
You know what’s worse than an armed whack-head. Every man and woman packing. Equals lots (lots) more bodies, and not just the nut who first started shooting.
Yeah, let’s have an arms race to solve a shooting problem. Or how about the masses save a buck and we redistribute existing privately-owned guns in the USA. So every man, woman, and child gets one (and still over 50 million guns left over, let’s share those!). Heck, let’s throw in conceal-carry for everyone. Have fun going to the restaurant, the gas station, the grocery store, your kids’ open-house classroom event, the Ted Nugent music festival.
Sure let’s have the government take over all the guns and then we can all be “free” and “safe”. Worked really good in Germany…in 1938. Then the government made sure everybody was “free and safe”! We love and trust our government always- because they really really care!!!
One off these days you’re gonna learn there are more than fifty shades of grey, but only one black and one white. Common sense gun regulation is about removing military grade firepower from civilian hands. You don’t like the police in APCs? Well genius, it’s the gotta have a gun to get groceries for lunch bunch that’s triggered that response. The only purpose in extend magazines and assault rifles is massacring your fellow Americans. Need to defend your home? Get a shotgun. Want to hunt? That’s what bolt action, lever action, breech and muzzle loaders are for. Handgun? If you can’t hit it in ten, go the range. Get some real instruction in lieu of those You Tube videos.
You fail to see the big picture.
You may not want to control your neighbors, your community, but there are those who want you to live as tenant farmers on your own land.
When the government fears its citizens we have justice and respect.
What you see happening is a moral travesty and managed decline of a society.
The old ‘carry to protect myself from the gubmint’ trope.
As for those who are irresponsible with firearms. Or other dangerous tools. Knives. Vehicles , fire anything used harmfully Lock them up!! In a jail. Not a country club. Make them work to eat. Book and release doesnt seem to be working
How about you leave my 2nd ammendment alone and those who have the desire to protect themselves from lunatics. Or criminals will do just that and those who wd rather call upon a social worker can do just that. The left wants to lower population ??? The criminals will help them achieve that. And the remaining population will be strong
Smart gun laws and gun-access requirements. Will take a little time, and should, but the free-for-all purchasing, of nearly whatever firearm, and distorted 2nd Amendment arguments, have simply failed the country. The Founding Fathers would surely be disgusted by all of today’s gun-lobby arguments. And there’s probably plenty of lunatics out there, who think they are protecting themselves from lunatics. Just ask the likes of an Oath Keeper.
Sounds great. But gun laws really only effect those buying guns legally. Ppl who either build them from parts. Or steal them from other are not remotely concerned with more laws. It just increases demand. Unfortunatly people have stopped teaching their kids about gun use and safety growing up i saw animals butchered and hunted. That drives home the reality of death as well as seriousness of firearm responsibility. Video games however do not. Laws havent stopped drug use they wont stop gun violence. Putting the tiny percentage of population that will shoot the town up. Combined with education. Is a reasonable approach
Heh, so many legal guns 10, 20, even 50 years ago, have filtered down and sideways to be many if not most of today’s illegal guns. At this stage in the country, most all gun-lobby arguments have been proven lame. It’s really very simple, and we all know it: more guns in more hands = more dead people. And especially stupid guns (big clips, easy conversion to semi-and auto, etc). No. Good. Argument.
It’s not “your” 2nd ammendment…it’s OURS. And there are other RIGHTS that all must be balanced. No right is without limit…hence “well regulated”.
Mass shooting increased substantially after the “Assault Weapons Ban” expired and have continued to increase in frequency.
Be a responsible gun owner and not fear/power monger…don’t threaten people without warrant and/or act violently without need for self-defense and there’s no reason a red flag law will apply to you.
FYI, paranoia (unfounded fear) and delusion (false belief or opinion) are mental incapacities.
Step back from the cliff…we want our children to stop living with this death cult anxiety.
My kids have had active shooter drills in school for >10yrs now. It’s total bullshit.
FYI, am a gun owner. Of the 8 cousins in my extended family: 8 gun owning families, amongst them 1 marine infantry; 2 army snipers; And 1 devout gun nut who spouts the same NRA talking points you nonsensically parrot here. He’ll buy a cool gun rather than pay his bills… huh?
The gun toting extremists are an undeniably small portion of the population…~10%.
It’s time to do something different that works rather than ‘thoughts and prayers’ nra bullshit.
If you take your kids to a strip club and fail as a parent, you might have your parental rights taken away, but since these parents were probably abused as children, it’s gift that keeps on giving. Trauma begets trauma.
You can’t legislate these problems away.
Ok turn yours in then the world will be that much safer ? But dont complain to me when some lunatic wipes out your kids? These ppl doing these heinous crimes are cowards. I personally had a meth head in my front yard at 4 am weilding a machete and a camping axe. Chasing my dogs. My wife called police i felt much better being armed. By the way. The sheriff did not show up but called at 8:30am to ask if we wanted to file a complaint. I dont know how to keep other peoples kids from going mad max. But my three are adults and own as well as use firearms safetly we are teaching our grandkids the same respect.
Root Causes are a bitch, aren’t they? It’s clear that we who forfeit our duty and responsibilities across the spectrum of life need to deal with those manifestations first.
I don’t particularly care what you do, but I’d rather not be dragged down dealing with the cancer that is those who refuse to manage their lives accordingly.
Tell me why we need a military industrial complex?
If every citizen was armed and trained and recognized the difference between an external threat and an internal threat, we would be able to make this world a much better place.
It’s like animals raised in captivity so that we may show our children life in captivity isn’t just for animals.
It’s beyond time that we not only secure our homes, our schools, our communities, but our food supply., we need to question the intelligence of having strangers raise our food, and teach our children to be helpless and subservient.
Whatis the argument for sending our factories overseas to keep slave labor out of our eyesight.lots of sensitive and caring types round here with absolutely no idea how we got here.
If you wait for police to defend you. Your odds of survival. Drop dramatically. Ever notice they took. “ To protect and serve “ off the door of patrol cars. They come late to clean up the mess. Prevention is so yesterday for police. Im not advocating a wild west atmosphere. But until the DA s. And judges get over this. No consequences kick. I say strap up. Your life or family may depend on you
Too many guns in this country, too many bodies piling up. Thin the number of guns out, thin the number of bodies. Take a generation, but worth it.
Too bad all the guns have made so many paranoid, then more guns rinse, repeat. It ain’t rocket science to see what’s been afoot.
The country 2nd to the USA in guns-per-population is … Yemen. Like here, things have just gone so well there (snort).
Ok like i mentioned. Give yours up! I fully support that choice. Ill keep mine. Its funny our sitting president just handed out billions of our dollars. To arm a nation and help shield them from tyranny and in the very same moment in time seeks to take ours away. As the headlines are full of warnings of possible food shortages. And rampant inflation is all around us??? They say 7% ish. At my supply places it seems more like 30%. Desperation makes people do ugly things. Its not irrational to keep arms just in case
Not a bad start … but fast poor segue, into maga-verse Bye-Don stuff, ending with the ‘stay armed and ready’ militia bit. Fear.
You can’t even debate a rational view point.
Well ok there, mr strip-club talking point.
Uvalde is a prime example why these people who demand stricter gun control will wait outside a school while a mentally deranged , sheep dipped young man who gets weapons and ammo and truck paid for and get unleashed on the most vulnerable, in gun free zones.
Case in point , what we witnessed was a warning to the rest of us
At least the ones with eyes to see
Yes indeed. Eyes to see. Some ppl are blind beyond my understanding. Fentanyl kills many i dont kno the numbers but many. Yet we are considering state run shooting galleries? Wow!! I thank MOST of you for this dialogue. People talking respectfully whether they agree or not is how real solutions come about. Its clear we have serous problems facing our society. I am american and dont identify with a political party. But the left is clearly losing their minds. Gas has doubled in the current administrations tenure. Inflation. Global standing. Much is changing for the worse. We need to stand together as americans. Or we may lose much of what we have. We are being divided. The race issue is a drum i only hear politicians beat. The people in my life dont even talk abt it much? If you are drowning would you care the color of the hand throwing you a rope ?
Its not a shooting problem its has more to do with upbringing. How did we create so many people who don’t give a fuc%. Make prison suck again.
Take a trip to Arizona some day. I went to a diner at 7:00 am. 4 out of 10 had open carry. I’m sure there was also a shotgun behind the counter. Don’t know the stats but I’d bet they are better than most states.
“Violent crimes in Arizona numbered 455.3 per every 100,000 residents of the state as of 2019, the 10th-highest rate among the 50 states, according to a new analysis from the website 24/7 Wall St. The total number of murders in Arizona in 2019 came in at 365, according to the 24/7 Wall St. analysis of FBI crime data, while the state’s poverty rate was estimated at 13.5%. The study’s authors pegged Phoenix as the most dangerous city in the state. Nationwide, the violent crime rate for 2019 was found to be 366.7 incidents per 100,000 Americans, according to 24/7 Wall St. The violent crimes tracked in the study were aggravated assaults, robberies, sexual assault and murders or non-negligent manslaughters.”
Arizona Murder rate is 20% higher than California. 15th worst in the nation. Almost all of the worst are so called “red” states
Close the border Mr Bear, cartels are running the border regions. So if we had a closed border, less trafficking, things might be different in Arizona
Please study the history.of Isolationist policies (in the US alone and worldwide) and the ‘interesting’ connections to anti-democracy, eugenics, & tyrrany.
It’s a pretty nasty trail. It’s been tried…it didn’t work.
Those that don’t know repeat the same talking points from 100yrs ago and before. All the while, unbeknownst to them they advocate disintegration here and worldwide.
There’s a LOT more to border management than “OPEN” or “CLOSED”. Open border policies generally refer to the relatively free flow of temporary visitors…not immigration. Is mostly just toxic politicians, pundits, and talking heads that mislead the public to believe otherwise.
Excuse me, what we have going on at the southern border is causing problem for Mexicans as well. Get your head out of the graduate class sandbox, and look at the real world implications right now. Shut the door, until we get this drug /human trafficking dealt with. Grow up…
Uvalde schools have been locked down 41 times this school year, because of cartel bullshit from the invasion going on.
I’m sick of people who can’t be bothered.
The issue has NOT been resolved apparently…. because there’s cops everywhere and a SWAT vehicle and helicopter
So word is he surrendered and also potentially burned down someone’s trailer
Gun sales are at an all time high of profitability. Mass murder via those guns sales are parallel. Period. It’s clear so many men equate the length of their cock with the size of their gun barrel and/or size of their clip. It makes them feel powerful. Similar to a rapist. If purchasers don’t know the difference between their dick and a gun then that’s a pretty damn good reason for not allowing the purchase in the first place. And only good gun control can filter out those who do know the difference from those who apparently do not.
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