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Whether you’re looking to swerve the sky-high hold luggage prices, or just can’t face any more queueing than is necessary when airports are in such chaos, there’s never been a better time to go hand-luggage only for your holidays.
While some tickets entitle passengers to store a 10kg cabin bag in the plane’s overhead lockers, the more budget airlines charge extra for this, and insist your free carry-on bag must fit underneath the seat in front of you.
But don’t let this deter you; according to the many travellers of Tiktok , it’s totally possible to fit everything you need for up to a week away in a rucksack, holdall or mini-suitcase.
Alongside key tricks like rolling your clothes rather than folding them, and wearing your bulkiest items for the flight, these hacks will help you fit everything you need in your hand-luggage.