Quick Take: Conservation survey, ag ed money and more | Farm Progress

2022-07-22 22:33:21 By : Ms. Ellen Zhao

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NRCS needs to know: Conservation on your farm

Last month, farmers across Illinois got a survey from NRCS asking about their conservation practices. Their message today: “We’re not kidding, we really need to know this stuff.”

The survey is a joint effort of the Natural Resources Conservation Service and USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Deadline is Aug. 19 and farmers can respond online at agcounts.usda.gov or fill out the form and mail it back. Not everyone got a survey, but if you did and you haven’t responded yet online, you may get a phone call from NASS to do the survey there.

“Your responses will help us learn why you select certain practices and how we can get you the information and the technical help you need to solve issues you face on the farm,” says Illinois State Conservationist Ivan Dozier.

Survey results will help folks like Dozier knows what’s important to Illinois farmers and how he and other USDA personnel can come up with better conservation solutions.

Compeer Financial has awarded grants to 21 agricultural education programs in Illinois through its Fund for Rural America. Each of the schools applied for the grants and received up to $4,000.

“The goal of this grant program is to help develop and enhance modern, comprehensive agriculture education in schools, teaching students about its importance and limitless potential,” says Karen Schieler, senior corporate giving specialist. “The agriculture industry offers a variety of career opportunities, and exposing young adults to this starts in the classroom. These grants help to fuel the inspiration and exposure students receive in high schools.”

The 2023 grant period is April 1-30. Learn more and apply at Compeer’s website.

Compeer awarded funds to a total of 65 high schools in Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin, located across its territory. Here are the Illinois schools and how they will use the funds:

USDA opened up Conservation Reserve Program Grassland sign-up this year, and landowners enrolled 3.1 million acres, including 550 in Illinois. Western states made up the majority of the enrolled grazing acres, including Colorado, South Dakota and Nebraska. The program allows producers and landowners to continue grazing and haying practices while protecting grasslands and promoting plant and animal biodiversity and conservation.

According to the Illinois Farm Service Agency, it’s part of the Biden-Harris administration’s broader effort to address climate change and to conserve natural resources.  “This year’s record-breaking Grassland CRP sign-up demonstrates the continued success and value of investments in voluntary, producer-led, working lands conservation programs,” says Scott Halpin, state executive director in Illinois.

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