Persistent Decatur meth dealer is back behind bars, police report | Public Safety |

2022-07-22 22:23:40 By : Mr. James Zhang

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DECATUR — Police accuse Madison M. Scurlock of being a very persistent methamphetamine dealer in Decatur.

Macon County Circuit Court records show that the 24-year-old woman pleaded guilty to dealing in meth and was sentenced to three years in prison in December of 2020.

Illinois Department of Corrections records indicate she was paroled on February 28 of this year and, on May 25, she was stopped by Decatur police for a traffic infraction.

“Scurlock was requested to exit the vehicle and, upon her exit, she made the statement she had an ounce of methamphetamine in the vehicle,” said Detective Jason Hesse, who signed a sworn affidavit.

“The methamphetamine was located in the vehicle by officers and was found to weigh approximately 21.9 grams with packaging. Based on detectives' prior training and experience, the amount of methamphetamine located is consistent with a distribution amount.”

Another traffic stop on July 8 led to Scurlock announcing to officers that, this time, she “had a couple of ounces” of the illegal drug in her bag inside the car. A second affidavit, signed by Officer Jacob Stewart, said police found three packets of meth: two weighing 29.2 grams each and one of 10.8 grams. They also found a digital scale in Sculock’s bag.

“The amount of suspected methamphetamine, along with the digital scale, is indicative of narcotic distribution,” said Stewart.

The officer said Scurlock admitted she was dealing again. “She advised a pound of methamphetamine (453 grams) was purchased for $1,500 and she had the intention of selling the remaining 69.2 grams I had located on her on this day,” Stewart added.

Scurlock has now been charged with two counts of dealing in meth and is due in court for a preliminary hearing August 3. Macon County Jail records checked Thursday showed she remained in custody in lieu of bail set at $200,000, requiring her to post a bond of $20,000 to be released.

Joseph A. Williams faces preliminary charges of aggravated resisting a peace officer, obstruction of justice, possession of machine gun and weapon by a felon, aggravated discharge of a weapon and unlawful use of weapon, and attempted murder of a peace officer in connection with the shooting of a Decatur police officer on Jan. 8, 2022. READ MORE

William A. Hosea faces preliminary charges of reckless discharge of a firearm and endangering the life of a child in connection with the Jan. 6 shooting of a 3-year-old child. READ MORE

Randolph Hayes is pleading not guilty to a charge of burglary. Prosecutors allege he stole a landline phone and then tried to sell it back to the victim. He was on parole at the time after having been convicted of an earlier burglary offense. 

Byron D. Theus Jr. is pleading not guilty to multiple counts of home invasion, armed robbery and aggravated kidnapping in connection with a home invasion the night of Nov. 20, 2018. READ MORE

Jetrevius O. Jarrett has been arrested on first-degree murder charges in connection with the fatal Christmas Eve shooting of Efrem O. Jones. READ MORE

Phillip J. Gehrken, 52, of Forsyth has pleaded not guilty to three alternate counts of first degree murder stemming from the July 11 fatal shooting of 51-year-old victim Kevin Cooper. READ THE STORY HERE.

Emmanuel White, 18, is charged in Moultrie County with two counts of armed violence, possession of a stolen firearm, unlawful possession of a stolen/converted motor vehicle, possession of methamphetamine and defacing identification marks on a firearm. READ THE STORY

Defendant was sentenced to 36 months probation in November after pleading guilty to possession of a stolen firearm in a plea deal that saw all other charges dismissed. He was also sentenced to 149 days in jail with credit for 149 days already served.   

Aaron L. Hand, 33, was sentenced to 14 years in prison Jan. 20 after pleading guilty to a charge of committing aggravated kidnapping while armed with a knife. The case dates to Jan. 13, 2021, when Hand, a registered sex predator, tried to abduct a female customer of the Macon gas station where he was then working. 

Contact Tony Reid at (217) 421-7977. Follow him on Twitter: @TonyJReid

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Macon County courts reporter for the Herald & Review.

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She denies charge she sold the drug out of a house shared with young children.

Drug was in the form of 2½ pounds of pills. 

Woman was in possession of more than two pounds of the drug, police say. 

Defendant was warned not to resist arrest before cops sent the dog in.

Nationally known speaker Michael DeLeon spoke to Warrensburg-Latham students on Thursday about the dangers of vaping and where smoking, alcohol and marijuana can lead. 

A 44-year-old Shelbyville man is facing multiple counts in Shelby County ranging from armed violence and possession of substances containing methamphetamine as well as heroin.

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