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It’s harvest time in Ohio for fresh fruit, and for those of us who grow our own fruit that could be more than we can enjoy in the short window of its shelf life. Sharing with friends and family is one option. Freezing extra fruit and storing it to use up over time is another.
Freezing fruit is an easy way to preserve fruit so that it retains its nutritional quality.
Although the nutritional value of fruit is maintained when frozen, its color, structure and taste can be impacted by enzyme activity, air, microorganisms, the formation of ice crystals and the rate of moisture evaporation.
Enzyme activity. Enzymes naturally occur within fruits, regulating the ripening process. Freezing fruits slows this process, but doesn’t stop it. Ascorbic acid can be used to control enzyme activity and prevent browning when freezing fruit.
Air. Exposure to air can increase enzyme reactions and oxidation that cause surface browning. It can also increase moisture loss. Make sure air is removed and packaging is tightly sealed before freezing fruit.
Microorganisms. Bacteria, molds and yeast are present in all fresh foods and multiply rapidly when the temperature is between 40 F and 140 F. Freezing controls the growth of microorganisms; however, survivors can start growing again when food is thawed. This is why it’s important to freeze and thaw fruit properly.
Ice crystals. Small ice crystals are desirable because the texture of the fruit is preserved much better. Large crystals damage food cells and create a soft mushy texture. You can ensure the formation of small crystals by freezing food quickly and uniformly. Fruits with high moisture content such as berries and grapes can be frozen individually on cookie sheets for 4-6 hours and then put in storage containers. For fruits already packed in containers, make sure there is adequate spacing in your freezer so that cold air can circulate on all sides. Don’t overcrowd your freezer and space the food you are freezing out among the food that is already frozen to freeze efficiently.
Evaporation of moisture. Reducing the amount of moisture that evaporates from fruit while it is in the freezer means packing it correctly. Moisture loss leaves fruit exposed to oxygen, which results in loss of color, flavor and texture. As much air as possible should be removed from containers and freezer bags before sealing them and the correct amount of headspace should be left.
Fruit can be frozen without sugar, however, it will freeze harder and take longer to thaw. Sugar helps keep frozen fruit firm and prevents browning.
Sugar. Fruits intended for pies and other baked products are often packed in sugar. One cup of sugar should be used for every 2-3 pounds of fruit. Juice will form as the fruit sits in the sugar. When using fruit packed with sugar in baking recipes, the relative amount of sugar added should be factored into the total sugar the recipe requires.
Syrup. Fruit that you’re preserving to be served uncooked can be packed in a syrup made of sugar and water. Honey and maple syrup can be substituted for a portion of the sugar, however, the flavor of the finished product may be affected. Use about ½ to ⅔ a cup of syrup for each pint of fruit and 1 ⅓ cups for each quart of fruit. Make sure fruit is covered in syrup before storing. Allow syrup to cool before pouring over fruit.
Other options. Water, fruit juice and pectin syrup can also be used to freeze fruit, however, they will not have all the benefits of freezing fruit using sugar or syrup. Juice has some of the benefits of freezing fruit with sugar and pectin power can be used to improve the frozen quality of fruits that have poor texture when frozen.
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