Blister Packaging System: HMV6

2022-06-10 23:30:15 By : Ms. Max Zhao

The HMV6 is equipped with a touch screen PLC, Lexan Safety enclosures and Safety Interlocks. This model also comes with full panel Stainless Steel enclosures. The HMV6 has a maximum material width of 250mm and a maximum stroke of 145mm. This model can be used as a stand-alone unit or be integrated with a downstream cartoner.

Key International is proud to be the sole North American distributor and service provider of the Hoonga line of flexible, economic Blister machines. These machines are well established in the Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Food industries. Each of the models outlined below are capable of running all common types of thermo and cold form materials. Some of the options available include product detection and rejection, brush box or dedicated track feeding, print registration, deep draw plug assisted forming, hole punching and pin hole detection.

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